Reference Number:    NYCACV00033






Re: Nomination for The Kings Arms Public House North Driffield Selby YO8 5RG as an Asset of Community Value


This record is produced in accordance with the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012


The following decision has been taken: -



a)    The nomination for The Kings Arms Public House North Driffield Selby YO8 5RG is successful and meets the definition of community value as detailed in the Localism Act 2011


b)    It should be placed on the North Yorkshire Council Assets of Community Value List of Successful Nominations



By whom:

Rachel Joyce Asst Chief Executive-Local Engagement



24 January 2024


Was this an executive decision?                                                                NO

If an executive decision, was it also a key decision?                              NO

Does the call-in period apply?                                                                    NO

Have any urgency or call in exemption procedures been followed?     NO

·         Constitution Schedule 4 Officers Scheme of Delegation - Section 14 Delegation to the Assistant Chief Executive Local Engagement  page 189 (b) (iii)


Reasons for decision: -

The evidence demonstrates that the nomination for The Kings Arms Public House North

Duffield meets the definition of community value as detailed in the Localism Act 2011.



Details of any alternative options considered and rejected: -



None. Not to consider the nomination for The Kings Arms Public House North Duffield would not fulfil the Council’s responsibilities required by the Localism Act 2011 and The Assets of Community Value (England) Regulations 2012.



Conflicts of Interest


Please record below details of any conflict of interest declared by a Member or Officer regarding the decision and any dispensation granted by the Standards and Governance Committee or Monitoring Officer in respect of that conflict.











Background Papers


Please attach to this decision record, for publication, the background papers that disclose any facts or matters on which this decision, or an important part of the decision, was based and which were relied on to a material extent in making the decision, but this does not include published works or those which disclose exempt or confidential information (as defined in Access to Information Procedure Rule 10).


Publication Date: 29 January 2024


Contact for further information:

Contact  for copy of report considered: